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What Is the Best Way to Pet a Cat?

If it's your own cat, I'm not going to assume it's your own, you didn't say it was. Tell the owner if not, still.

I like to imitate what a mother of cats does with her kittens' tongue. Small shorts around your eyes, back, and under your neck and chin. When one of me sits on my lap while watching TV, I just softly place my hand on her back and run my thumb and forefinger (or the two) in short strokes behind her ears. Whatever one of my cats gets, it will rumble happily as long as I do.

A two-handed approach seems to be another petting method some cats would like to use. Put an open hand in front of your kitty 's side as if you had a pillow on your hand. In the other hand, stroke softly against your first open hand while your face and head resting. This is how when you pet her head in thin air, she does not bounce but rests firmly with her hand. This is also nice that the cat can feel you in his mouth.

A few things I've noticed are "beware." First, when you get too close to your tails, many cats, particularly females, don't like it. If the cat wants to nip or does something annoying, stop there and don't touch her again, except if you need to. This is because it was only to tackle the fur on its back or about its neck.

If necessary, do it slowly over a period of time, about two weeks or more. Start with a brush for a few seconds and do this slowly and more frequently. Move it never!

The other thing is that when both hands are on them, there are more than a few cats who do not like who. So let her go if you see kitty pulling off. Do not stop a cat for the sake of petting against its wishes. This cat will soon know not to have faith in you. To the cat and for you, petting will always be a positive activity.

Do checkout: blog for reading guides related to cats...

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